Hey shoutout to all you missionaries who had to learn a language I feel for you.
So yeah guys my comp never showed up and I'm in a tri companionship with Elders Selli and Schwendiman they are super great missionaries and we are like brothers now. We are in a dorm with just us three and its super nice, like we are all so organized and its really great. Waking up isn't that hard, the hardest part is trying to get everything done before you get to bed.
I'm really trying my best to devote every second of my day here at the MTC to learning because its the best place you can be to learn.
So how is everyone? Do you know God loves you? I'll be talking to some of you tomorrow which is nice so I'm trying to keep this a little shorter. It's super chill here, I've made some lifelong homies and they are all devoted missionaries which is sooo amazing and I love every one of them.
Selli is serving in Oakland - San Fran and Schwendiman is serving here at the MTC in the referral center which would be the coolest mission because you're working so close with the MTC president who awesome!
Elder Nielsen spoke and it was such a great talk and it talked about being truly converted before you can help lead someone to conversion. The spirit is so strong here and my teachers are sooooooo good Brother Stanley and Brother Aston. They are such great teachers and they are here truly because they know our potential and want to help build that!
Is homesickness a thing? hahaha the mission is so awesome why would anyone want to go home?
Well I leave the MTC on Tuesday and hey Merry Christmas!
I want you to all think about what the true meaning of Christmas is and think about all that Christ did for us WHICH IS A LOT!
Hope star wars was good, probably was.
I'm so glad I am here for only 12 days, if I was here 9 weeks I'd probably go a little crazy. Most missionaries learning Polish and Tagalog are here for 9 weeks and they are so funny they know everything here.
Its way cold here but its cool because its snowed like 4 times and I kinda like it, people keep saying Boise is colder but I hope its false I'll send pics in another email so look out for that! I love you guys!
3 Nephi 9:14: "V
"Verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."

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